Committed mining


The social responsibility of companies focuses on their commitment to the environment, designing and executing programmes that generate value and well-being for society and especially for the municipalities near their operations.

Mining companies produce quality employment and wealth in the areas where they are located, as their presence provides great economic opportunities in these areas that contribute to the well-being of population.

Furthermore, they comply with a policy of concentric circles that promotes the hiring of local suppliers and service companies and base their social commitment on fostering a stable environment with internal and external stakeholders, including local employment and the development of the local business fabric.

Relations with the local community are an important factor in the development of mining activities, considering the social, economic, and environmental impact of their activity wherever they operate.

Companies contribute to the well-being of local communities by applying policies of transparency and communication with the various stakeholders, and by designing social, cultural, educational, and training programmes, among others, aimed at their municipalities.

Mining today is therefore a sector committed to a society based on applying policies of transparency and continuous dialogue with citizens, authorities, and local administrations.

According to the Spanish Geological Mining Institute, rural Spain contains 80% of the evidence of deposits of essential minerals. The opening of a mining operation therefore implies significant investments in areas affected by depopulation and lack of job opportunities. These investments result in the construction of new infrastructures, such as roads or bridges, as well as the creation of numerous direct and indirect jobs and the revitalisation of local economies. Mining is one of the sectors with the greatest potential to generate new opportunities for ’empty Spain’.