Conference schedule

Day 1: Tuesday, 15th October

Main Auditorium

09.00 - 11.30 h
Welcome Opening Ceremony and stands visit
11.30 - 12.00 h
Networking Coffee Break
12.00 - 12.30 h
Keynote Speech

Jan Moström

CEO LKAB & President Euromines

12.30 - 14.00 h
Panel Discussion: Critical Raw Materials Act

Moderator Javier Targhetta (Chief Executive Officer of Atlantic Copper)

Juan Luis Domínguez (Head of Project Execution Siemens Energy)

Jan Moström (CEO LKAB & President Euromines)

Jesús Portillo (General Director of Mines – Junta de Andalucía)

ChangHwan Kim (Senior Vice President and Head of Hyundai-Kia’s

Battery Development and Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Development)

14.00 - 16.00 h
16.00 - 17.00 h
Panel Discussion Critical Raw Materials Act (II) - Roadmap & Permitting for Spain

Moderator Fernando Aráuz (Dtor. Permitting & Development Mining Projects – Atalaya Mining)

Encarnación Montoya (Director of the Chair of Mining Studies AMINER University of Seville)

Manuel Vázquez (Technical Advisor- General Directorate of Mines- Andalusian Goverment)

Pedro Jiménez (Partner of VRIVM Legal)

Antonio Barranco (Deputy Director of Technical Coordination – Minera los Frailes)

17.00 - 17.40 h

Moderator Fernando Aráuz

Innovation in the Las Cruces polymetalurgical copper refinery project

Joaquín Gotor Martínez

Cobre Las Cruces

E-LIX Process. “Hydrometallurgical Commitment to a Green Future”

Eva María Laín Rodríguez

Lain Technologies SL

Conference Room Aminer

12.30 - 14.00 h

Moderator Vicente Gutiérrez

Aljarafe Project: first spanish project for hydrogen storage in depleted deposits

Julio Matesanz Muñoz

Trinity Energy Storage

Zero-Emission Equipment Transition, OEM Perspective

Michael W. Lewis


Impact of the availability of the piston-membrane pump in mine backfill: savings in cement costs

Unai Gamboa Agorreta

Abel Equipos SA

14.00 - 16.00 h
16.00 - 18.00 h

Moderator Miguel Palacios

Decarbonization Pathways

Jason Bowsher


Innovations in Decarbonization Strategy and Critical Material Production

Johnny Key

Freeport-McMoRan Inc.

Geological storage in Spain: possibilities and perspective

Paula Fernández - Canteli Álvarez


Atlantic Copper’s experience in the Energy Transition

Esther Alonso

Atlantic Copper

Hydrogen solutions for energy transition

Carlos Mellero del Río

Sociedad Española de Carburos Metálicos SA

Advanced aspects of mining (renewable energies)

José Carlos Córdoba Sánchez


Conference Room Cobre

Moderator José Luis Parra

Detection of the target level of acute fatigue with technology in mining workers

Dr. Héctor Anabalón Aburto


Analysis of mining safety: the spanish dss and its analogies in surrounding countries

Ramón Hervás Fernández

Universidad de Castilla La Mancha - Escuela de Ingenieria Minera de Almadén

Improving safety in quarries by segregation of open spaces with 5S methodology

Miguel Laguillo Sabás

Cementos Molins

14.00 - 16.00 h

Moderator Manuel Regueiro

Satellite imagery and AI for mining

Samuel Álvarez Pérez


Application of machine learning for geophysical subsurface analysis at Riotinto mine, Spain

Abraham Balaguera Tarife

Geociencias Barcelona -CSIC

New exploration techniques based on 4D digital mo

Julio Manuel de Luis Ruíz

Universidad de Cantabria

Advanced mineralogical characterisation of metallic ores by multispectral microscopy as a support for geometallurgy

J. Carlos Catalina Hernández

Multispectral Microscopic Technologies

Day 2: Wednesday, 16th October

Main Auditorium

09.30 - 10.30 h
Keynote Speech

Rob Scargill

Executive Director Sandfire Matsa

10.30 - 11.30 h
Panel Discussion: Energy Transition

Moderator Blanca Losada (President – Fortia Energía), Sehila González (Global Director, Fusion Energy at Clean Air Task Force)

Mar Blázquez (Deputy Director General for Energy Efficiency Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge)

Manuel Larrasa (General Director of Energy – Andalusian Government)

Enrique Mota (Managing Director SMRT Iberica – SANDVIK)

11.30 - 12.00 h
Networking Coffee Break
12.00 - 13.00 h
Panel Discussion Sustainable Mining

Moderador César Sánchez (Chief Financial Officer de Atalaya Mining)

Kate Harcout (Non Executive Director, Atalaya Mining)

Paola Hernández (Advisor in Sustainability & ESG)

Maria Sunér (CEO – SveMin)

Quentin de Hults (General Director – ICA Europe)

13.00 - 14.00 h

Moderator Joaquín Gotor

Automation systems in underground mining operations (Sandfire MATSA)

Emiliano Millán, Juan Ignacio Parreño y Federico González

Sandfire MATSA

“R+D+I” Project Minerva #Smartgeocontrol”. Monitoring, data correlation and best practices. Riotinto Mine Sterile Deposit

Susana Rodríguez Romero

Atalaya Mining

Sala Aminer

10.30 - 11.30 h

Moderator Manuel Vázquez

Commitment to sustainability in the mining sector. New version of the UNE Mining Management Standards. Sustainable Mineral Metallurgy-Metallurgy

José María Sánchez Jiménez

Calidad y Medio Ambiente Consultoría S.L. (CAL y MAC

Responsible communication in research projects

Bárbara Gómez Delgado

Pan Global Resources Inc.

11.30 - 12.00 h
Networking Coffee Break
12.00 - 14.00 h

Moderator Manuel Vázquez

Digital transformation in HSE Risk Management Case of large copper mining in Chile

Mario Jara Ortíz

Datamine Software

Validation of innovative digital management tools for tailings storage facilities at OceanaGold’s Waihi operation

Carlos Alonso Romero


Integral sustainable water management at Cobre Las Cruces. Seville (Spain)

Juan Carlos Baquero Úbeda

Cobre Las Cruces

Controlling tailings facilities at Sandfire MATSA to international standards

Koldobika Sánchez Arrotegui

Sandfire Matsa

14.00 - 16.00 h
16.20 - 18.00 h

Moderator Luis Montoto

Inventory of waste dumps and ponds in the Principality of Asturias

María Belarmina Díaz Aguado

Director General for Energy and Mining. Government of the Principality of Asturias

Minería inversa o cómo descarbonizar el carbón

Asunción Cámara Obregón

Universidad de Oviedo

Applicability of satellite radar interferometry and advanced interpretation techniques in the study of mine stability

José Fernández Torres


Integral focus for hydrogeochemical risk assessment in complex geological environments

Francisco Ruiz Allén

Consultoría Geológica, S.L. (Congeo)

Hazardous gas monitoring with IoT-enabled drones in tunnels and underground works, Ecodrone Project

Johnatan Gonzalez Garcia

Perforaciones Noroeste SA

The shared value in new mining processes. VECTOR

Juan Requejo Liberal

Asistencias Tecnicas Clave, SLU

Conference Room Cobre

10.30 - 11.30 h

Moderator Pedro Mora

CRM, benefits for the mining sector

Patricia Núñez Cortés

Alto Minerals

Impact of the European Green Pact policies on the mining sector

Marcos Gallego Garrido y Javier Osuna de la Cerda

Environmental Resources Management (ERM)

11.30 - 12.00 h
Networking Coffee Break
12.00 - 14.00 h

Moderator Pedro Mora

Designing a recovery process for critical minerals

Esther Rodríguez González

Advanced Mineral Processing SL

Study of critical and strategic raw materials for the ecological transition and the supply of the main industrial value chains in Spain

Teresa Sánchez García

CN-Instituo Geológico y Minero de España

Metals for the Future: The CirCular Project

Miguel Palacios

Atlantic Copper

Industry’s business view on the effective implementation of the critical raw materials regulation at member state level. The case of Spain

César Luaces Frades and Manuel Regueiro

Primigea and CSIC

14.00 - 16.00 h
16.00 - 18.00 h

Moderator Manuel Regueiro

The value of data in P&V. Digitalisation and quality

María Rocha Gil

Rocha Blast Engineers

Enhancing Flotation Efficiency: Magnetic conditioning in atalaya’s rougher circuit

Christos Karageorgos


Optimising throughput, recovery efficiency in milling and flotation circuits while reducing downtime making use of advanced measurement and process analyses and control

Tomás Bragado Frieyro

Molycop Digital

In-situ sensitisation and the use of pre-sensitised emulsion

Jesús Félix Domingo

Orica Explosivos Industriales, S.A.

New mining ventilation control and management systems

Rubén Castro Pérez


Sustainable technologies for lithium processing

Queralt Tobarra García


Day 3: Thursday, 17th October

Main Auditorium

09.30 - 10.30 h
Panel Discussion International Sustainability Standards

Moderador Rolf Kuby (Director General – Euromines)

Pierre Gratton (President and CEO – the Mining Association of Canada)

Arnoldus M. van der Hurk (Founder R4MINING TBD)

10.30 - 11.30 h
Panel Discussion Smart Mining / Mine of the Future

Moderator Jesús Portillo (General Director of Mines – Andalusian Government)

Rolf Kuby (General Director – Euromines)

Fernando Beitia (Senior Technical Advisor – MAXAM)

Alberto Lavandeira (CEO – ATALAYA Mining)

Carlos Cuburo (Secretariat of Mining of Argentina)

Claudia Rodríguez (Vicepresidenta Ejecutiva- Comisión Chilena del Cobre)

11.30 - 12.00 h
Networking Coffee Break
12.00 - 13.00 h
Panel Discussion Skills & Talent for the Mining Industry

Moderator Francisco Javier Elorza (Director of the Technical Higher School of Mining and Energy Engineering – UPM)

Ivan Mitev (Executive Director of the Bulgarian Chamber of Mining and Geology)

Ángel Tobar Escudero (Strategic Director of University Partnership – EPIROC)

Macarena Gutiérrez (General Director – Atlantic Copper)

Ismael Guarner (Deputy Director of Mines of the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines – MITERD)

Nuria Fresco (HR Director- Sandfire MATSA)

13.00 - 14.00 h

Moderator Francisco Javier Elorza

Technological and management challenges in andalusian metal mining projects

Domingo Javier Carvajal Gómez

Cátedra Santa Barbara Unia / Universidad de Huelva)

Development of connected platforms for the digital mines of the future

José Miguel Galera Fernández y Guillermo Vaquero

Systra Subterra Ingeniería SLU

14.00 - 16.00 h
16.00 - 17.00 h
Closing Session

Conference Room Aminer

09.30 - 11.30 h

Moderator César Luaces

Characterization and targeting of massive sulfides through Integrated geophysical methodology: A focus on an Iberian Pyrite Belt Area

María Fuencisla Fernández Rodríguez

Gaia Exploración

Reuse of flotation sludge (tailings) for the backfilling of underground galleries using geopolymerisation and carbonation technologies

Manuel Caraballo Monge

Universidad de Huelva, Dto. de Ing. Minera

Cobalt: a new resource in the Iberian Pyritic Belt

María del Carmen Conde Rivas

Instituto de Geociencias (IGEO) Consejo Superior de Investigación y Ciencia (CSIC)

Research Project ‘Nuevo Linares’ - The resurgence of mining for a renewable future

Gonzalo Roberto Mayoral Fernández

Kerogen Energy, SL

11.30 - 12.00 h
Networking Coffee Break
12.00 - 14.00 h

Moderator Julia García Santos

The historical archives of the Fundación Río Tinto, an Essential Source for New Mining Exploration Projects

Juan Manuel Pérez López

Fundación Río Tinto

The Oropesa Project: Andalucia through the Guadiato, the new tin supply of the European Union

Antonio Ortega Muñoz - Joe David

Minas de Estaño de España

Water & Tailing: Second-life sostenibilidad en minería: Economía circular aplicada al agua y a los residuos mineros

José Contreras Ruz

Savilcon Group

Effects of Water on Slopes and Efficiency of the Operation

Carmen Pérez Pavón

Lundin Mining

14.00 - 16.00 h

Conference Room Cobre

09.30 - 11.00 h

Moderator Domingo Javier Carvajal Gómez

More sustainable labour relationships: legal and socio-economic challenges in the spanish mining sector

Federico Durán López

J&A Garrigues, SLP

Promoting mining innovation: the role of young people and startups

Víctor Moreno Campos


The UCLM Institute of Applied Geology, a support centre for practical university training

Pablo León Higueras Higueras

El Instituto de Geología Aplicada de la UCLM, un centro de apoyo a la formación práctica universitaria

11.30 - 12.00 h
Networking Coffee Break
12.00 - 14.00 h

Moderator Patricia Ferrer

Economic guarantees for the energy and mining sectors

Manuel Gómez-Arrones Egido y Pieter Venteer

Nordic Guarantee

Innovation ecosystems in raw materials to catalyse mining investments and projects in the context of european regions

Santiago Cuesta López

Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster

Optimization of cut-off grades to maximize value generation

Danilo Correa Crego

Sandfire Matsa

The mining and quarry restoration network as a key player in the evolution of mining in spain

Javier de la Villa Albares

Red de Restauración de Minas y Canteras

14.00 - 16.00 h